Showing posts with label God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Book: Heaven is for real

My mom told me about this book and she told me the story. She said she will get me the book but somehow we didnt get down to it. Then I saw that Lynn has this book. So I quickly ask her to lend me. and she did =)
It took me less than 48 hours to complete cover to cover as this book is interesting. "Its like you cant put down type. You really wanted to know more and more"

Its about a boy who had an emergency and was operated. During that moment, he was taken to heaven for a brief 3 min (in our time), not God's time. and he saw many things in heaven and his parents wrote down in the book.

After reading, I reaffirmed in my faith in God and I continue to see Heaven is actually real. Many years back, I read and listen to another series "Heaven is real" by a Korean-American lady. Some of the words that struck me back then still lingers in my mind/heart till today. One of it is abortion. She said, God told her that he is extremely angry and upset with people who abort their babies. and when this boy in Heaven Is for real said God really really really loves Children, I could understand the relationship.

Do grab this book to read to all my Christian friends or non-Christian friends too. May this be an opener for you. God Bless.